Harnessing Technology to Recognize Glaucoma Earlier
Glaucoma is a condition in which the eye’s optic nerve is slowly compromised, resulting in vision loss. Glaucoma generally affects the peripheral vision first and moves toward the central vision. Because both eyes are rarely affected equally, patients don’t usually notice any symptoms until extensive or irreversible damage. Your eye doctor can perform various tests to make sure your eyes are not affected by glaucoma and make recommendations for appropriate treatment if they are.
Our glaucoma specialists have expertise in various aspects of eye care, including diagnosis and treatment for glaucoma. We know how much you rely on them for well-researched and trustworthy eye care, and that’s why we utilize innovative technology to give you clear answers about your ocular health. Using retinal imaging and other tools as a part of your annual eye exam, your eye doctor can see developing conditions, like glaucoma, in your eyes before they disrupt your sight.
Start Seeing Clearer with MyEyeDr.
If you have glaucoma and are looking for simple ways to improve your vision, our MyEyeDr. team can help. Our eye care practices have advanced technology and optometrists with years of expertise to offer comprehensive glaucoma strain treatment.
We think that you'll see, feel, and live better after experiencing the innovative eye care of a MyEyeDr. practice